Safe Link Converter
Encrypting your link and protect the link from viruses, malware, thief, etc!
Made your link safe to visit.
How to use our tool:
- Click on How To Use menu above.
- Click on the code and CTRL + C on your keyboard.
- Paste the code in your HTML blog theme before the </body>.
- Save your HTML blog theme. you are done!
- Now, your blog's outbound links was encrypted!
Your link show here

26 how to market your Website or Blog And Website
1. Define your blog with a stand alone domain name for example: or be part of the directory. Subdomains of websites could also be an option:, we recommend that you avoid the use of a blog that has prevented you from using his own name, read how to choose a domain name for your website.
2. Install only applications such as wordpress or blog more easily apply them.
3. specify the good design and proper compliance with the function and purpose of your blog.
4. Do research keywords and the development of the glossary in your weblog.
5. Optimalisasikan your blog; Add some of the features that support options like RSS subcription, social bookmarks, unique keyword, the url of the sitemap, add multiple wordpress when using the appropriate plugin, the addition of a broad keyword but specific.
6. Enable automatic trackback and pingback features.
7. create feedburner account and enable feed tracking.
9. Identification of blogs, websites, and other valid hub for news sources or article of your weblog.
10. make the archived data on the article and related articles.
11. make a weblog to analyse traffic statistics through google analytics.
12. Submit articles via RSS feed and blog url to the RSS and blog directories to the list of competent.
13. create a bond between the article so the link is growing.
14. If there are podcasts or videos in your blog, insert it into the directory of podcast or Vlog.
15. Register your blog to blog directories web special.
16. Optimasikan and distribute a press release when you launch your blog.
17. Ask for feedback or review Your blog through related forums – discussion forumor on the internet. If a highly experienced involved giving an opinion in it, try fokuslah on the ideas and input of that person.
18. Do research or provide comments on the issues – issues that focused, so that others know what the intent of making your blog.
19. make articles regularly, at least 3 – 5 new articles every week, every article you create unique and should provide insights for readers.
20. Watch and analysis from anywhere you come from blog readers before they get into your blog.
21. Responding to comments on your blog, and when you detect anyone put the link back to your blog, give thanks in the comments feature.
22. Wake up relationships with other bloggers, including while in offline meetings.
23. Indicate the original source of your writing and feel free to provide a link to the original source. Use keywords in the title of the article, also on the article itself, and mutually associate between articles that are related.
24. use social media, and other discussion forums, if they are interested with your articles, they will provide a link back to your blog.
25. Don't forget to publish your blog address at kartunama, as you put Your phone number
26. Wake up your online network through social media like facebook, twitter and make use of them to promote the content of Your blog or website.
How To Market My Blog Link